Europe Based Status Page Servers Now Available

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Eduardo Messuti

Founder and CTO

October 05, 2021

Europe Based Status Page Servers Now Available

Germany has been called The Land of Data Protection and Security and we as a German company have been asked from the start, do you have EU based servers? And we can finally say YES we do.

Our Europe based servers are now generally available, they are specifically located in Frankfurt Germany, so if you're a European company you can enjoy keeping your (and your customer's) status page data in the most privacy minded state.

Additionally you'll enjoy lower latency, due to geographically closer data centers, which means (even) faster response times and reactivity when visiting your status page and Admin dashboard, which translates to faster incident communication.

In order to get started with our EU based servers please sign up at:

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Eduardo Messuti

Founder and CTO

October 05, 2021

Eduardo is a software engineer and entrepreneur with a passion for building digital products. He has been working in the tech industry for over 10 years and has experience in a wide range of technologies and industries.
See full bio

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