PayFit switched to StatusPal Status Pages to improve multi-language incident & maintenance communications and lower costs

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Eduardo Messuti

Founder and CTO

May 03, 2024

PayFit switched to StatusPal Status Pages to improve multi-language incident & maintenance communications and lower costs

About PayFit

PayFit is a dynamic tech company revolutionizing payroll and HR management solutions across Europe. Renowned for its user-friendly digital interfaces and innovative approach, PayFit facilitates complex HR processes for businesses in France, the UK, Spain, and beyond, aiming to simplify payroll operations and improve HR workflows.

"Prior to using StatusPal, we were limited by the legacy plans of our previous provider, which restricted editing access to our status pages to only a few team members. This became problematic during incidents as updates were delayed. StatusPal not only made this process more inclusive by allowing more of our team to manage the page directly, but also significantly cut costs, thanks to their reasonable pricing structure."

⎼ Marc Falzon, Senior Platform Engineer, PayFit


The primary challenge for PayFit was managing an efficient, cost-effective, and accessible status page that catered to a diverse, multilingual clientele. The previous solution was not only costly but also lacked flexibility in user management and localization, which are crucial for PayFit's operations across different countries. Switching to StatusPal addressed these issues, leading to improved internal workflows and customer communications during critical incidents.

Why StatusPal?

  • Cost-Effectiveness: StatusPal offers a more affordable solution compared to competitors, which was a significant factor given PayFit’s need to extend access to more team members without incurring exorbitant costs.
  • User Access Control: The switch to StatusPal enabled PayFit to democratize the management of their status page, allowing a broader range of team members to make updates. This change was crucial for timely communication during incidents.
  • Localization Features: With operations across multiple European countries, PayFit required a status page that could easily adapt to various languages. StatusPal provided superior options for localizing content, ensuring clear communication tailored to diverse audiences.
  • GDPR Compliance: Being based in Europe, StatusPal aligns well with GDPR standards, which simplifies legal and operational compliance for PayFit. This proximity also facilitated smoother contract negotiations and data handling processes.

Smooth Onboarding Process thanks to subscribers import tool and easy-to-configure SSO

To ensure a seamless transition and maintain communication with their users, PayFit utilized StatusPal's subscriber import tool to efficiently transfer their existing email subscriber list. This tool enabled a straightforward integration of subscribers into the new system, ensuring that all stakeholders continued to receive important updates without interruption.

PayFit also implemented StatusPal’s Single Sign-On (SSO) feature, which streamlined the onboarding process for their team members. The SSO configuration was user-friendly and allowed PayFit to integrate their authentication system, such as Okta, directly with StatusPal.

This integration meant that team members could be onboarded and assigned appropriate roles automatically, bypassing the need for manual entry and reducing the potential for errors. This setup was critical for PayFit as it ensured that only authorized personnel had access to sensitive status management functions, further enhancing the security and efficiency of their operations.

Better status page translations are key for a multinational company

PayFit struggled with communicating incidents & maintenance to their audience in multiple many countries speaking different languages. StatusPal's first-class multi-language features were key to their selection process.

"We weren't really happy with the Atlassian Statuspage way of translating and localizing the content of our status page, because our audience is in different countries, we have France, the UK and Spain, and we wanted to be able to localize the pages and the message of the pages for the customers in those areas."_

⎼ Marc Falzon, Senior Platform Engineer, PayFit

All Incident Commanders can update the status page with lower costs

In PayFit, the incident commander is in charge of status page communications. The incident commander role rotates over tens of engineers. After migrating to StatusPal, they are able to onboard them all while keeping the costs manageable. This was not possible before with Atlassian Statuspage.

The incident commander reports incidents in the StatusPal status page according to pre-set templates based on the severity of the incident and the affected services. The reporting is all done manually to avoid false positives from automated monitoring checks.

PayFit team's experience with StatusPal UX & Support

Onboarding team members to StatusPal has been relatively easy for the PayFit team. They found the UI intuitive and straightforward to use.

People find it intuitive to use. We have made a short description to the procedure, to create an incident, but honestly there wasn't much to explain. The interface is relatively straightforward. We have many people who are now able to create and update incidents and maintenance independently, so we don't have to do it for them.

⎼ Marc Falzon, Senior Platform Engineer, PayFit

They also reported a positive experience with StatusPal's level of support and more importantly, the little need to reach out for it.

You're usually quite reactive when I send emails over the past year. After onboarding, during the more stable phase of usage, we don't have many reasons to reach out to the support.

⎼ Marc Falzon, Senior Platform Engineer, PayFit

During onboarding, the PayFit team discovered a bug with StatusPal's multi-language incident notifications, which caused notifications to be sent in the incorrect language to some subscribers. The StatusPal team fixed this bug promptly, enabling PayFit to complete their onboarding without delay.

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Eduardo Messuti

Founder and CTO

May 03, 2024

Eduardo is a software engineer and entrepreneur with a passion for building digital products. He has been working in the tech industry for over 10 years and has experience in a wide range of technologies and industries.
See full bio

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